My passion is art. I love drawing and work in most mediums and with many subjects. Anything that catches my eye — color, light, structure, tone. I like bold, unmistakable images even in abstract.
Children’s book illustration. I love fantasy and creating 32 pages to describe a story. The first book I was paid to illustrate was a coloring book for Narragansett Electric. Louisa May Alcott wrote a story I treated as a chapter book and created 15 full color illustrations one for each chapter. I recently created a 16 page book with 13 Illustrations for a client. I have a 32 page work in progress yet to complete a delightful story a friend wrote.
Holiday designs I have been creating at least one new design every year for many years, my way to create, share and celebrate the holiday season. I draw what I am feeling. Rudolph with impending cartoon calamity, was the year of my divorce. The cut paper Angel, I was grieving the loss of a dear friend. During the COVID pandemic, while we all were quarantined, the penguins became welcome company. I live near the ocean and I love winter and the sounds of birds and geese, my “Rookery”. I imagine what they are saying to each other. “Hey, how’s Mable and the kids”? “Uncle Bernie doing okay”? “Ya Ya Ya”. A yearly gathering. This is where my ideas come from, my life and nature in all it’s glory, challenging at times but worth the effort. Some ideas people have suggested, “Can you do a boating card for water skiers?” “Wow” “okay”, I smiled “ooh” I can have some fun with that, while developing the ideas as sketches I had to recite, countless times the names of Santa’s reindeer. Imagination is a wonderful toy. I have fun creating and drawing and I hope you enjoy my humor and imagination. You can purchase on this shops website, packages of 6 cards and envelopes to share with your loved ones and friends.
Still life and landscape. These are images that I either created in a drawing group on vacation or just for practice. I enjoy playing around with ideas, shapes, color and working with different art mediums to set the mood and atmosphere. The quiet in the woods.The sounds of the seacoast. I was able to give postcards of the “Pastel Angel” to my mother to share with the people in the nursing home. She was restricted more than most during the pandemic, for about a year we could only talk to her on the phone and wave and see her through a window. “I want a hug” and we couldn’t. Art work is helpful, necessary and meaningful to me.
People and musicians For several years I created paintings a few weeks before the “Blues Cruise” portraits of my favorite musicians as I listened to the inspiration of their songs. During the autograph party on board I had brought two prints of the painting and gave one to the musician or band and they signed one for me. I have also included in this category favorite images of people I have drawn and painted over the years. It may be a Fairy or King or a favorite drawing of dreadlocks from a drawing group. People and portraits, fun to draw for me and a chance to practice.
Note card and t shirt design These designs take me a week or more to create. I work on large paper and carefully design the composition. Two of my favorite things to draw are trees and birds. When I had my shop in Maine with my Mom. I created the Chickadee. I used dozens of reference photographs so that I did not copy a photograph. I used the Pine tree out of the window of the shop. I start with a 2h pencil to rough it in and then as the week progresses I use darker and darker pencils 2b up to 6b to get that rich lithographic feel to the drawing. The cut paper is also a week or more project many scissor cuts, shapes and colors ending up with a desk full of fun stuff to play around with.
Photography This I need to work on., a fraction of my photographs are here. I yearly took myself on a trip from Gloucester MA to Naples Maine, visits with Mom and Dad, then I would go “The long way home” up through New Hampshire and along the Kancamagus Highway. I will continue to organize and weed through photographs. I also have many garden and flowers photographs to share with you. So keep checking back for new images.
Hand lettering; This has helped pay the bills since my beginnings as a letterer in Gloucester Ma. Early 80’s I like “Swinging the brush” very few people still hand letter. The ease of spitting it out of a computer image on to vinyl is easier but not necessarily cheaper especially when these are the signs you see peeling off in a year or two. I enjoy suiting the style of lettering to the words, :Punch and Judy”, “Leila Lee” for an elegant vintage hand crafted boat and so on. Large and small projects I am happy to tackle. I have had instances that I was asked to travel to letter. I was compensated for my travel time and the customer deals with the Turpentine. This way I am not traveling with this explosive chemical. So if you you have a project and cannot find any one capable contact Sandy